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Benefits of Executive Physicals

November 19, 2019

In the midst of their busy lives, many professionals in and around Indian Wells, California find themselves postponing health screenings and annual physical exams because they can’t find time away from work.

This can prove to be problematic because it can delay diagnosis and treatment of diseases and health conditions.

Fortunately, WellMax’s one-day executive physical offers an efficient, effective, and proactive solution.

To learn all about the benefits of executive physical, read on.

What Is an Executive Physical?

An executive physical is a comprehensive and personalized assessment designed to screen for disease before symptoms and is individualized to address any specific issues that you may have.

What Does an Executive Physical Involve?

While tailored to the unique needs of each patient, WellMax’s executive physical typically includes a thorough medical, social, and family history and complete physical exam.

During your one-day executive physical, we will also:

  • Perform lab tests to measure hormone levels and address any corresponding issues
  • Conduct a body composition analysis of muscle mass and body fat
  • Test pulmonary function
  • Perform imaging of arteries that supply the heart muscle via Coronary CT Angiogram (CTA)
  • Perform bone screening with DEXA
  • Perform other testing and imaging such as ultrasound, lung CT, and ECG

What Are the Benefits of Executive Physical?

One of the key benefits of executive physical is a thorough consultation and uninterrupted one-on-one time with Dr. Dan Cosgrove.

This individualized attention and care will allow for an in-depth discussion of all of your health concerns. It will also aid in the early detection of any diseases – when they are at their most treatable stage.

Following a comprehensive examination, lab testing, and imaging, you will receive a full report in the form of a Personal Health Portfolio, which includes a tailored action plan.

Learn More About WellMax’s Executive Physical Program

If you would like additional information about the benefits of an executive physical in the Indian Wells, California area, please call WellMax today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with Dr. Daniel Cosgrove.