Comprehensive Executive Physical

This package was designed especially for people that want an efficient but comprehensive evaluation. Nearly all tests in this package --- including ultrasound, heart and lung tests, obtaining blood, etc. are all done on site in our private health center. The Chest CT and coronary CT Angiogram are performed at Halo Diagnostics, one mile away. We arrange everything.

Comprehensive Executive Physical

One-on-one consultation with your WellMax physician allows ample time to discuss your concerns. The physician reviews and updates your personal medical history as well as your family history. There is detailed screening for symptoms relating to all of your body’s systems, including neurological, respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, genitourinary and endocrine.

The physician completes a detailed checklist while conducting your physical examination. Since all of your data is entered into your personal database, this checklist assures that all necessary components are meticulously collected.

  • For women, the physical examination includes —at the patient’s option — breast and pelvic examination; as well as a ThinPrep™ pap smear. The ThinPrep™ Pap test is a very sensitive test of cervical epithelial cells and is highly accurate in detecting abnormalities.
  • For men, a digital rectal exam of the prostate is included.

12-lead electrocardiogram that measures your heart rate, rhythm, function, and is used as a limited screening tool for cardiovascular disease.

This test measures baseline function of your lungs, as well as screening for asthma, emphysema, or any obstructive or restrictive lung disease. It includes FEV-1 and FVC (Forced Expiratory Volume and Forced Vital Capacity).

Imaging Test

Carotid arteries are the main pipelines of blood to your brain. A silent build-up of plaque can lead to a stroke. If significant plaque is discovered, you then have several options to minimize any further buildup. Our biochemical evaluation dovetails with this test to understand the chemistry processes that cause this plaque. We use precision digital ultrasound and specialized software to quantify the plaque, so your doctors can compare serial studies and see if plaque is increasing or decreasing over time.

To help estimate your risk for cardiovascular disease, we use special software to measure the thickness of the first two layers (the intima and media) of your carotid artery wall. Thickening of an artery is the earliest anatomical evidence of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). In addition to estimating future coronary heart disease risk, we use change in CIMT over time to monitor risk factor interventions, such as lipid-lowering therapy, and their impact on your vascular health.

Uterine endometrium (the lining inside) often thickens prior to cancer forming, and ultrasound allows us to measure it and follow its thickness. We can also see any wall abnormalities or masses.

Ovarian cancer, like cancer of kidneys or pancreas, can be cured if found early, but is usually fatal because it is usually discovered by symptoms, when it is too large, and too late. Monitoring ovary size and density changes, whether or not a woman is on hormones, brings more information and more security. Remember, most women who have the uterus removed do not have the ovaries removed, and it is difficult to palpate ovaries well enough to detect abnormalities that can be found much sooner with ultrasound.

Obtains a baseline study of prostate size, shape and architecture. It screens for prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is the most prevalent cancer found in men affecting 17% of men during their lifetime. With early detection and new treatments, a high percentage of cases can be successfully treated without removing the prostate.

This study includes bladder imaging and a “post-void residual”, i.e. the technician measures the volume of urine remaining in the bladder immediately after voiding. It helps to assess urine retention vs. irritable bladder for men with urinary symptoms.

The thyroid gland sets the metabolic rate for the entire body. Many disease states are secondary to thyroid abnormalities, and thyroid dysfunction is more common than is generally believed. Thyroid can have cancer nodules or benign adenomas that produce hormone independent of the thyroid gland. This ultrasound allows us to assess the size, shape, and texture of this gland, as well as screen for abnormal nodules or cancer.

Ultrasonography is a painless procedure that allows us to visualize your liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys, adrenal glands, and aorta. These areas are viewed using no radiation, unlike X-rays or CT scans. Using our high technology equipment, we are able to efficiently screen for diseases often before symptoms appear.

Screening for lung cancer or other abnormalities in the chest is performed at the same time as the Coronary Artery CT. Research confirms CT’s markedly improved ability to detect lung cancer in the earliest curable stages with this technology.

  • Coronary Calcium Score
    Specialized computer software is used in conjunction with detailed imaging of the coronary arteries of the heart, to determine a “calcium score” (Coronary Artery Calcium Score, CACS). In general, a higher calcium score indicates a greater risk of a heart attack. This score correlates with the amount of atherosclerotic plaque in the coronary arteries and has been used for twenty years.
  • CT Angiogram
    The much better early detection system is the CT Angiogram which provides images of the actual coronary arteries so that we can see soft plaque, not just calcified plaque. At WellMax, we almost never order the calcium score alone.
  • Cleerly (*Included with Platinum or may be added to One Day Program)
    The newest and most sophisticated approach by far is Cleerly. Cleerly is an Artificial intelligence program that takes the images from your Coronary CTA and measures the amount, and type of plaque in the coronary arteries. This information is used to inform us about your personal risk of heart disease and to track progress in diminishing plaque over time.

  • Skin Screening for Melanoma and Precancerous Moles
    • Skin is the largest organ in the body. Melanoma usually starts as a precancerous mole.
    • IntelliStudio from Canfield takes photos of your entire body, maps it, then zooms in with another camera and uses artificial intelligence to evaluate every mole or skin lesion of concern. It is compared to over 10,000 moles (from Australia) so we can quantify the ABCDE of skin cancers: Asymmetry, Borders, Color, And Diameter and “Evolving”, i.e. compare it over time.
    • We use a dedicated room for this process. This creates a permanent digital record that we can share with you, and any other provider to tract your skin lesions over time. Early detection of melanoma is now much more sensitive.

Laboratory Test

A complete blood count (CBC), twenty chemistry measures (also known as Comp Metabolic panel), which includes measures of liver and kidney function, fasting glucose (blood sugar), and electrolytes.

Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer for both men and women. Medical scientists have discovered many modifiable risk markers for heart disease.

  • Cholesterol is just the tip of the iceberg. Our basic cardiac panel includes the usual lipid panel of cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and triglycerides. In addition, the type of HDL and LDL are checked
  • Lipoprotein (a) is an important and sometimes overlooked risk factor for heart disease. It is inherited, and Lp(a) cannot be lowered with diet and exercise, but it can be treated.
  • Highly sensitive C-reactive protein and homocysteine are routinely checked because they are independent risks for cardiovascular disease.
  • Together, these many tests provide your individual and unique pattern of modifiable risk markers.
Other tests ordered routinely with the One Day and the Platinum Comprehensive Evaluation

Ferritin serves as a general screen for both iron deficiency and iron overload. Problems with iron storage in the body are much more common than previously recognized. If this test is abnormal, a panel of iron measures can be ordered to clarify exactly what the problem is.

Folate is necessary for the production and maintenance of new cells. This is especially important during periods of rapid cell division and growth such as infancy and pregnancy. Folate is needed to make DNA and RNA, the building blocks of cells. It also helps prevent changes to DNA that may lead to cancer. Both adults and children need folate to make normal red blood cells and prevent anemia. It is essential for cell growth and reproduction throughout the body, especially in the nervous system.

It helps maintain healthy nerve cells and red blood cells, and is also needed to make DNA, the genetic material in all cells. It is essential for the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and synthesis of proteins. It is also needed for the transport and storage of folate in cells and for conversion to its active form. B12 is involved in the manufacture of the myelin sheath, which insulates nerves.

Vitamin D promotes the body’s absorption of calcium which is essential for the normal development and maintenance of healthy teeth and bones. Calcium is also important to nerve cells, including the brain. It also helps maintain adequate blood levels of calcium and phosphorus.

These two tests measure the function of the thyroid gland and its ongoing “dialogue” with the pituitary gland. Thyroid hormones control the body’s metabolic rate. We can also, at the request of our physician or at your request, measure serum T3 (total and free T3), a different, more active form of thyroid hormone converted peripherally from T4. We often recommend measuring Reverse T3 or thyroid antibodies if needed.

A urinalysis is an examination of the urine by physical or chemical means. Urinalysis comprises a battery of chemical and microscopic tests that help to screen for urinary tract infections, renal disease and diseases of other organs that result in abnormal metabolites (break-down products) appearing in the urine

WellMax differs from Scripps and Mayo in that we measure hormones in both men and women. We can show you why it matters. You have options.

  • Serum DHEA-S
  • Estrogen (estradiol) measured by the more accurate and sensitive LC/MS/MS method.
  • Testosterone (“free” and total measured accurately by LC/MS/MS)
  • Growth hormone (via IGF-1)

The hormone cortisol, which is released in the body during stressed or agitated states, has gained widespread attention as the so-called “stress hormone.” But this hormone is more than a simple marker of stress levels- it is necessary for the functioning of almost every part of the body. Excesses or deficiencies of this crucial hormone also lead to various physical symptoms and disease states.

Cancer is the second most prevalent cause of death in the United States. It affects all ages, often with little or no warning until it’s too late. These markers screen for ovarian cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer and bladder cancer, respectively. “Free PSA” can be added if PSA is even mildly elevated.

Other Valuable Components included in the One Day Program

Your results will be entered into a spreadsheet so that you can easily see all of your tests summarized, and see how they change over time, since columns are in place for dates. All the labs are analyzed by the physician and reviewed with you in a comprehensive, individualized letter, and by telephone.

Your WellMax physician reviews and analyzes all of the tests and examination data. The results are compared with both expected normal values and your own test histories. A detailed report of findings will be prepared. Recommendations for changes and follow-ups are included. Important changes in your health status can be tracked from year to year.

This consultation with our physician provides an opportunity to review, in detail, the findings and implications of the exhaustive body of data gathered about your personal health status. This consultation will occur after all test results are back, and you have received your Personal Wellness Health Report. The physician and the WellMax team give recommendations and work with you to develop a specific strategy to improve your health and wellness based on your goals and desires.

All of our reports and records are stored on a USB card so you have it with you anytime. Any part of it or all of it can be shared with your healthcare providers.

One-Day Executive Physical Program Fee: $6,400

PLEASE NOTE: All of the tests above are included in the One-Day Executive Physical. Many other tests are offered at WellMax, and any of these may be requested by patients or recommended after the physician’s evaluation. If you cancel within two weeks of your scheduled program, a 25% deposit is non-refundable. Because of the extensive time requirements for programs and annual exams combined with the need for many of our patients to travel to Indian Wells, cancellations and last-minute rescheduling too often result in our inability to rebook the time. Accordingly, please make every effort to keep your scheduled appointment.

OPTIONAL TESTS (not included in the One-Day Executive Physical Program)

Many of these are included in the expanded Platinum Program.

This is a partial list of tests available at WellMax. Our board-certified physicians can discuss options for additional testing conveniently offered here within WellMax. Many additional tests are available, but not part of this package (e.g. colonoscopy, either conventional or virtual). If you decide to add services, your stay can be extended, our WellMax staff will arrange any necessary transportation for off-site services.

Advanced Cardiovascular Markers (*Included with Platinum or may be added to One Day Program)
  • F2-Isoprostanes
    A urine test that measures oxidative stress in the body. Elevated levels are seen in increased risk of heart disease and certain forms of cancer.
  • Insulin Resistance Panel
    A score is calculated using fasting insulin, and C-peptide from a blood sample to assess the risk of insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is associated with heart disease, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • Omega Check
    Higher levels of Omega 3 fatty acids are associated with a reduction in heart disease risk. Omega Check is a blood test, expressed as a percentage of total fatty acids, in red blood cells.
  • Lp-PLA2 Activity
    Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase-A2 is a measurement of disease activity in the artery wall. If Lp-PLA2 activity is increased, that’s important and we want to know about it. There are several things we can do about it to then lower Lp-PLA2 activity.
  • Myeloperoxidase
    A white blood cell inflammatory enzyme that measures inflammation in the arterial wall and the presence of vulnerable plaque.
  • Oxidized LDL
    The measurement of protein damage due to oxidation of the LDL-C. Increased levels of OxLDL increase the risk for metabolic syndrome, heart disease and acute heart attacks.

  • Galleri-cancer testing
    Grail is now offering the Galleri blood test, a cancer screening “liquid biopsy” in which over 50 types of cancer may be detected with a simple blood test. In 2021, Illumina acquired Grail, a healthcare company focused on early detection of multiple cancers through blood testing in a deal valued at $7.1 billion.

    All cells—cancer and non-cancer—shed DNA into the bloodstream. The Galleri test uses machine-learning algorithms to analyze patterns of cell-free DNA in the bloodstream.

  • Genetic Testing
    Whole Genome Sequencing (Nebula)
    Whole genome sequencing is a genetic test that decodes 100% of your DNA through Next-Generation Sequencing. This helps determine your genetic risk of hereditary cancers, or genetic predispositions to other health conditions. Whole genome sequencing is used in conjunction with your imaging and lab results to provide personalized medicine. Whole genome sequencing like this has only been available to patients in 2023. We personally review the results with you. Specific vulnerabilities can be identified and addressed.

Brain MRA to screen for aneurysms in the brain. These are now often correctable, so the risk of bleeding is markedly diminished.

Echocardiogram An echocardiogram will give information about the heart’s structures and blood flow without anything other than sound waves entering the body. The information gained from the echocardiogram allows your doctor to make an accurate diagnosis and develop a treatment plan that is best for you if any issues are found.

Medical Aesthetics / Skin rejuvenation including various lasers such as IPL (PhotoFacial), Titan, Laser Genesis, Laser Hair Removal. Also Botox, Fillers, CoolSculpting, Threads etc. (Complete Medical Spa). Although these services are offered by a separate team in the same building, we can arrange a complimentary consultation, including a digital analysis of your face which is yours to keep.

Individual tests
Many other tests and consultations are available, such as:

  • Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis
  • Allergy testing
  • Neuropsychiatry evaluations and therapy (e.g. anxiety, depression)
  • Sexual function optimization for men and women
  • Colonoscopy-virtual or conventional
  • Breast MRI

Our Services

At WellMax, we provide a comprehensive array of services offered
to ensure your and your family’s health. We are passionate about your wellbeing.

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(760) 777-7698

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